Leading Charcoal Bag Brand


A Leading Charcoal Bag Brand manufactures superior quality home and kitchen products at a great price to make everyday living easier. Their customers trust them to outfit their homes because of their relentless dedication to great customer support and their lifetime guarantee.

In late 2018, the company partnered with PPC Alpha with the objective of growing their revenue while maintaining ACoS within target limits.


Within the first 9 months of working together, the charcoal bag brand experienced...


Increase in Ad Revenue


Ad Revenue Generated


Below Target ACoS

How PPC Alpha has helped:

This account perfectly exemplifies the power of consistently and comprehensively converting well performing search terms into keywords. When we first audited the account, we spotted thousands of well performing search terms that weren’t being targeted directly. This is a critical problem in many accounts that can dramatically reduce the efficiency and hence raise ACoS due to the fact that there is no control over bids for search terms which prohibits correctly optimizing bids for ACoS targets. Additionally, once these terms are targeted, they create seeds for new data mining and can lead to owning huge swaths of new keyword real estate. Without a methodical, consistent schedule to mine search terms, hundreds of thousands of dollars could be lost to competitors.

Another crucial factor in the success of this account is the simultaneous optimization of bids while launching the new keywords. Often times when launching new keywords, they will not perform optimally for a duration (usually 2-6 weeks). This creates a constant upward push on ACoS as the keywords continue to be launched, and an equal push downward using bid optimizations is necessary for controlling ACoS during this time.